MY recent column mentioning the Burmese Curry Wars attracted some rumblings in social media for neglecting to include Petrie Plaza’s Mon Thani.
The slight had not been deliberate, previous visits had left me feeling it was more of a Thai joint.
But a brief scrounge around Wikipedia has convinced me that the Mon are predominately Burmese, making the fight for the Burmese curry dollar in Civic a three-cornered affair.
Like many a cheap lunch destination Mon Thani is a lightning fast ladle out of the bain marie operation.
They have numbers on the wall with pictures to choose from, two options on rice costs $8. While 1-9 are pictured the old hands know to ask what’s been cooked up as number 10 on the day.
For a while they were known for doing a prawn cake curry but the prawns have now been retired in favour of fish.
Pictured is the fish cake curry with a beef and bamboo number.
Mon Thani’s dishes are a quite a bit sweeter than most.
They’re also generous with the sauces making for a very satisfying finale to the meal, finishing off the spice soaked rice.
If you’re looking to transition from Thai to the oh so fashionable Burmese then Mon Thani’s a great gateway.
[This article is the fifth in a series on cheap lunches to be found in and around the city. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments or email them to . The complete series can be found on our cheap lunches tag]
The post Cheap lunches. Mon Thani on Petrie Plaza appeared first on Canberra CityNews.