SIMON Corbell has opened a second ACT wind auction, which could power up to 106,000 Canberra homes with clean, sustainable energy.
“Today I am announcing the release of a further 200MW of capacity for wind projects across the National Electricity Market, providing the industry with an opportunity to bring forward their best projects to contribute to the ACT’s 90% renewable energy target,” Simon said.
“The first ACT wind auction set a new record for low-cost renewable energy in Australia, and I anticipate another highly competitive process in the second project.
“There is an abundance of excellent wind power projects looking for long-term contracts, and amid continuing uncertainty under the national scheme, this is the optimal time for the ACT Government to call for proposals.
“When this extra 200MW of capacity comes online in about 2018 it will take the ACT up to 80% of its predicted 2020 electricity needs.
“The second wind auction process will not change the expected price for households of achieving 90% renewables, which will peak at $4.67 per week in 2020. These costs are largely or completely offset for many Canberra consumers by savings generated through the Government’s energy efficiency programs as the government continues assisting businesses and households to become more energy efficient.”
[Photo by TLPOSCHARSKY, attribution licence]
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